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2008-07-21 16:18:24

Summer Movies

This weekend I saw Wall-E and The Dark Knight, both of which are just amazingly good.  Lately I'm thinking this may be the best summer of movies ever.

Compared to cinematic masterpieces such as these, Paul Roub's recent videos are kind of lame.  His plot and characters are really anemic.  I need to talk to him about somehow working in a car chase scene and more explosions.


Seriously, Paul has been making some short videos to offer a different way of talking about our products.  His latest one is my favorite:  In order to show how quick and easy it is to setup SourceGear Fortress, this video shows every step of the install from start to finish.  The video is 3 minutes and 12 seconds long.

These movies aren't exactly Iron Man, but they're still pretty cool.